dir docs
- dir pages
dir edgerunner
dir qnn
- file model.hpp Definition of the ModelImpl class, which implements the Model interface for QNN models.
- file backend.hpp
- file config.hpp
- file graph.hpp
- file tensor.hpp Definition of the TensorImpl class, a concrete implementation of the Tensor interface.
- file tensorOps.hpp
dir tflite
- file model.hpp Definition of the ModelImpl class, which implements the Model interface for TensorFlow Lite models.
- file tensor.hpp Definition of the TensorImpl class, a concrete implementation of the Tensor interface.
- file edgerunner.hpp Header file for the Model Factory.
- file model.hpp Definition of the Model class, a base class for machine learning models.
- file tensor.hpp Definition of the Tensor class, an opaque handler for model input and output data.
dir qnn
- dir example
- file about.dox
- file
- file